Sunday, July 2, 2017

Does the wise sheep's story help in professional life? YES..YES..YES!!

We all learned during our primary schooling days about 'The Wise Sheep Story'. But still a small revision of what the story was.There was a small bridge over a small lake. The bridge was very narrow. One day two goats came on the bridge to pass the lake. But the bridge was too small to allow a pass, only for one goat at a time. One of the goat was very strong while the other goat was wiser. The stronger goat asked the wiser goat to move back or be ready for a fight. The wiser goat said, there is no need to fight, we both can pass the bridge at the same time, if we think wisely. So one of sheep bowed down and the other sheep pass over him, in this way with proper planning and intelligence the goal and target was met.
  In our regular official life knowingly-unknowingly we meet this circumstance many times. Do we? There are situations when either your or your seniors opinion matter. Now opposing your reporting person or your manager sometimes is like being caught in the lions cage. If you have enough justification then you can be firm on your plan or decision and explain the same to your reporting person.
 What we learn from the above story is:
 1. Never have ego.
 2. Never think that you are BIG and the person in front of you is small.
 3. Always be down to earth.
 4. Always be helpful to each other.
 5. Think wisely, many issue can be settled down by thinking wisely than overpowering the other person.
 6. Life is small like the above bridge, fighting attitude on it would land you in unwanted circumstances.

 1. Never have ego: EGO ruins one's personal as well as professional life. The person who works without ego has nothing to lose, so whatever he gets in return is a happy and satisfied life, which is the 100% dividend he gets of his simple, humble and ego-less life.

 2. Never think you are BIG and the person in front of you is small: Many clashes happen because each one thinks his input is superior than the others,he is more intelligent or he is higher in position in office. The moment one thinks so, that person impedes himself from the learning process and blocks his own growth. Nelson Mandela's father was chief of village a society, so young Nelson has attended many meetings along with his father. One thing Nelson Mandela learned was, his father allowed people to sit in a circle and listened to every person first and gave his opinion at the last.Only in circumstances when his input was required his father used to talk in between. He never imposed or forced on people to do things,never said he was big. With this learning we all know what an iconic figure Nelson Mandela is today for the whole world.  

 3. Always be down to earth: It doesn't take much to learn this. Recently I have seen a whatsapp tagline of one of my senior 'Fly high but stay grounded!'. This simple line talks a lot about the persona of a person, I am a very big fan of that person, because its not just his tagline but in reality too, he is down to earth. Personally I have learned a lot from this person, of how to carry success and always be humble and down-to-earth and never getting carried away with what you have. This attitude really carves out the best out of you.

 4. Always be helpful to each other: Carrying this extra attitude on your shoulders takes a lot of courage. Though this looks simple, but in reality being ready for anybody's help at anytime is not an easy job. You might receive a call from your office at any point of time outside office working hours. People might ask your guidance who are not even your team members, but just as you are always helpful and people know about your helpful attitude you are always called when anyone is stuck badly, it might be that, at that very moment you are stuck in your meeting, call, urgent project work or you might be driving. But the satisfaction one gets from helping others is marvelous.

 5. Think wisely, many issue can be settled down by thinking wisely than overpowering the other person: 99.99% issues can be settled down if we think wisely and then take a decision. If you overpower your junior regarding a decision or a scenario, you might end-up caught in a soup later on. So always have a fantastic-listening ear to your juniors as well as seniors. Listening to everyone on various scenarios and then taking a wise decision will always help.

 6. Life is small like the above bridge, fighting attitude on it would land you in unwanted circumstances: This is one of the most important thing, never ever have this fighting or revengeful attitude. You will always end-up being in loss if not professionally then personally. You will always feel, you have not done good to someone, you have done injustice to someone. You will end-up wasting more of your productive time on this. Life is beautiful, every human-being is wonderful, enjoy life to the fullest. See how peaceful your life will be for you and see how your productivity increases in work too. Because a sound and stable mind is more productive.

Yes truly the wise sheep's story helped me a lot in intelligent planning to meet the professional life's goals and targets!!
I am quite sure even you must have learned a lot from this small story, even you can comment and share your learnings too...

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