Monday, June 22, 2020

Part-3: Want to quickly become an Selenium Automation Engineer and build framework right from scratch?

Maven configuration and Project creation...

Hello everyone, further continuing our discussion from Part-1 and Part-2, we will be configuring Maven now and creating our project structure. Go to the location where you have downloaded and unzipped your Maven, for me, it is ‘C:\Software\apache-maven-3.6.3-bin\apache-maven-3.6.3’

Now again as mentioned in Part-1 go back to your environment variables, just right click 'My Computer' and select and navigate to 'Properties->Advanced System Settings->Environment Variables'. Click on New and add the Maven path under MAVEN_HOME as mentioned below:

Now again in the same directory move to folder bin,ie  for me ‘C:\Software\apache-maven-3.6.3-bin\apache-maven-3.6.3\bin’ and paste this path in the Environment variable called Path as mentioned below, by clicking Edit > New[paste the path] > OK > OK

This way, your Maven Configuration is complete, Simple isn’t it. Now check whether your Maven is configured properly. Go to Command Prompt and type command ‘mvn –version’, it should show below output:

See Maven is a magic tool, it will help you to have a standard project structure[folder structure] across the team or organization. It helps you to resolve or get whatever dependencies your project needs immediately without any hassles[you will see this soon].

Now, let's start creating a project using Maven for better understanding. You can do this in 2 ways:
  1. Use eclipse and create Maven Project, done simple[but here you will not know inner basic what eclipse did to create the project, and you won't have an explanation if someone asks you inner details]
  2. Use Command-line one simple command to create the project and export this created project using Eclipse[here you will understand every aspect of project structure and then just import this project in Eclipse]

So we will use command line command to create a project, use below simple command:
a.       Go to a location where you want your Maven project to be created, for me I created a directory at location ‘C:\Sanjay\Blog\Automation\Maven\MavenProject
b.      Using command prompt, go to that location and type ‘dir’, just to confirm your location, where you want to create the project and fire below command and hit enter:
'mvn archetype:generate -DgroupId=testSearch -DartifactId=GoogleSearchTest -DarchetypeArtifactId=maven-archetype-quickstart -DinteractiveMode=false'

Note: Here, 
'-DgroupId=testSearch' -- You specify package name of your project as ‘testSearch’ 
‘-DartifactId=GoogleSearchTest’ -- You specify the name of your project as ‘GoogleSearchTest

After a while you will see below:

As you can see, it shows as ‘BUILD SUCESS’. Now go to the location where you chose to create your maven project, ie ‘C:\Sanjay\Blog\Automation\Maven\MavenProject’ and check whether ‘GoogleSearchTest’ project is created or not as mentioned in above screenshot.

So now we have successfully created the project using command prompt, now what remains is exporting it to Eclipse.

Export Maven project to Eclipse:
1.       Go to the location where you created your maven project ie for me it is: ‘C:\Sanjay\Blog\Automation\Maven\MavenProject’
2.       Here you find your project which you created using command line ie ‘GoogleSearchTest’
3.       Navigate inside this folder and you should be able to see a file called ‘pom.xml’ like below:

4.       pom.xml is the heart of any maven project[soon you will understand how]. Note the location of the pom.xml, for me, it is:  C:\Sanjay\Blog\Automation\Maven\MavenProject\GoogleSearchTest
5.       Navigate to this location using command prompt and fire command ‘mvn eclipse:eclipse’ , what this command basically does is, it integrates maven with eclipse by downloading required components.

6.       Once hitting enter after command ‘mvn eclipse:eclipse’ you will see above at the last ie ‘BUILD SUCCESS’.
7.       Now you are all set to export your project to eclipse. Go to eclipse and navigate to File>Import>Other>Maven>Existing Maven Project>Next

8.       Select the Maven Project that we created using command prompt ie ‘GoogleSearchTest’ and click Next

9.       And Click Finish

10.   Hurray, you can see your project now in Eclipse, with all the required standard folder structure

This is one of the most verbose way to create a Maven project, and now you completely know every step, what is Project name, what is package name, how eclipse deals with it.

The comparison between project created in Part-2 and one created in Part-3 will show how clean project structure we get with Maven, which is not possible using normal project creation:

Sunday, June 7, 2020

Tasveer: Lisa Ray

Tasveer: Lisa Ray....!

21 February 1996, Darbhanga, Bihar, Hindustan Times: ‘The country is becoming worst than before, politics I say....’ my father said, paused kept the news-paper in anger on the table and went away. I don’t like newspapers, I don’t like politics. But what was the news which made him so restless, so casually went to have a nag of it. ‘Supreme beauty’, I said. ‘What ...?’ my mother standing a few feet away from me uttered. ‘Nothing’ I said and took the newspaper with me. The unknown artist in me immediately catapulted the Lakme advertisement photo into a ‘Tasveer’ in my brain, I was too eager to convert and portray my imagination into a frame. I cut the photo and made a cardboard artistic frame and hanged that in our hall. My younger sister Sharda, started laughing at my insane crazy act and went, and within no time, got my mother with her, sheer complaint-box.

‘What is this Raman? Who is she?’ my mother asked me. I said ‘I don’t know. ’ ‘Oh God, this boy is good for nothing, now Papa will shout, you cut today’s newspaper. If you can’t do good, at least don’t destroy....’ she kept on going for another 2 minutes. ‘ Yes, who was she?’, I went near my latestly handmade frame, couldn’t find anything. I gushed back to the cut newspaper and found the name ‘Lisa Ray’.

The frame was hanging on the wall for another two days and on the third day, I Mom, removed the frame and threw it away near the dustbin, to avoid my brain getting further corrupted with such things. I got the frame back from the dustbin and put it in my study room. I was imagining how one can be so beautiful, I felt as if I have never seen anyone so beautiful till now. I just wanted to see her personally.

My Sister Sharda, again started teasing me after seeing that frame in my study room. I was in class-9, a forcibly promoted student of Darbhanga Municipal School of Bihar at that time. My sister said, do you know where she is and where you are. She is so beautiful and you are a mere 35% passing student, other than surname Vidyarthi, there is nothing studious in you, and she started laughing. This agitated me to study hard. I didn’t even knew how to study, because I never did it earlier. I just mugged up everything including Mathematics. I scored some 88% and stood second in class, everyone was amazed by my performance in academics. But I was not happy as it didn’t create any difference in me or allow me to see Lisa Ray personally.

On DD-2, I again saw her in music-video, called ‘Afreen-Afreen, husn jana ki tareef mumkin nahi...’. Every day I used to wait glued-sticked for the program to come and see the song. Someone told me all these film-stars stay in Mumbai. Enough was enough, I just want to see her once. Some want to see Amitabh Bachchan, someone Shahrukh Khan but I want to see her. I was in class-10 now, without thinking much I grabbed some clothes, money and moved towards the station. Took ‘13:10 Jaynagar Lokmanyatilak Express’ that too without a ticket.

The TC caught me in the next 80 KMs, slapped me tight for traveling without a ticket, and asked me to get down at the next station, Muzaffarpur Junction. I didn’t give-up. I forgot how worried my parents must be, what they must be thinking, where they must be searching for me.
I took another train at ‘17:40 Darbhanga Lokmanyatilak Express’, yes this too without a ticket. I was saving the ticket money to be used in Mumbai. After 33 hours of journey in train washroom with that dirty smell, I landed in the land of dreams, land of film-stars, and the land of hope Lokmanya Tilak Terminus, Mumbai.

I came out of the station, but where to go after this, was my next question to myself. I asked a taxi-driver, ‘Where does Lisa Ray stay? He smiled at me and said, ‘one more mad person landed, welcome. This place was missing you’ and he drove away. I asked a peanut seller, he didn’t even knew about whom I was asking, he said ‘Do you have the address?’ I said ‘No’. ‘Then it is next to impossible to search someone in Mumbai without address.’

I was feeling hungry, took a vadapav, and managed that evening. I spent two nights on Bandra Railway station bench. The third night I felt some movement in my back pocket. And I found that someone removed my wallet and ran away. I chased that person with full might and caught him, even he was not in good condition. Before I could do anything he gave me my wallet back. I asked him, ‘You ate something?’ he said ‘No’. I gave him the biscuits I had. I am Arif Sultan. He asked me ‘ Why are you sleeping here? You don’t have a house?’. I recited the Darbhanga to Mumbai, story, Arif said come with me. He took me to a place called ‘Dharavi’, so small and tight pavements to walk, so many people, I have never seen so many people together even in my village yearly fest. He took me to a small room, 5 more people were staying in that messy-smelly house. I remembered my village big lavish house and I started crying, Arif and others consoled me, he said, he has a friend who works as spot-boy in Filmistan Studio.

The next day, I went along with Arif to meet his friend Vaibhav Kanhere. Vaibhav said thousands of people like me come to Mumbai with dreams of doing big, to become filmstars, to meet filmstars, etc. Only a handful of those thousands are able to achieve their dreams, better would be you return back or to struggle.

I decided to struggle and achieve my simple dream to see Lisa Ray. A week after Vaibhav, met me again and said there is another spot-boy opportunity in Filmistan Studio and whether I would be interested. By working there, you will earn money also and your chances to see your filmstar will also increase because many film-fraternity people come to the studio for shooting. I joined the job. Even after seven months, I was not successful in getting a glimpse of Lisa Ray. With everyday , passing, I remembered by parents and my sister and decided to return to Darbhanga.

After returning back to my village, I was fearful that my father would kill me. But, when I reached home, I found that my father is no more. My mother cried a lot and started asking where I was and how am I. My sister Sharda said, ‘Bhaiyya don’t go again, I will not tease you.’ My glorified house was no more glorified due to the loss of earning member and my absence. The only thing I could think of was, to get its glory back. And the only way was further education and a proper job.

It was difficult to manage studies along with a small part-time job in a dispensary. Somehow with that dwarf salary, I managed mine and Sharda’s studies along with home expenses. I completed my graduation, but no luck to get a better job. Someone suggested a temporary job in, ‘Bihar State Power Holding Company Ltd[BSPHCL]’. Something is better than nothing, I grabbed the opportunity that knocked me. BSPHCL said based on my performance they can make me permanent after completing the probation period of one year.

In just four months of service, my mother was behind me to marry her relative Mansukh Shahda’s daughter Laxmi. The emotional blackmail and day-night torture from my mother, couldn’t stop me on agreeing to see the girl. I, Sharda and my mother went to see the girl. The girl came in yellow saree with a huge ghunghat in front of her face. I could barely see her. But whatever glimpse I got, I was not really happy seeing the girl, typical village girl, I couldn’t say ‘NO’, because it seems, my father committed my marriage when I was young to the girl’s father. ‘Dharam-Sankat’, ‘No-U-Turn’. I had to agree, to keep my father's soul happy, he died because of me, to escape my culprit mind I said yes to marriage.

 I got married to Laxmi in the next few months and started considering myself as one of the most unhappy man on earth, who was not even asked about his likes and dislikes in his own marriage. I promised that my wretched heart will never forgive this girl. I was always searching for Lisa Ray in her. I didn’t find her eyes as attractive as Lisa. I didn’t find any qualities of Lisa in Laxmi. It was a miserable married life, a forced married-life. Even Laxmi realized in just a few days that she was the most hated person by me. I didn’t speak to her even after three months of my marriage. If I needed anything I would ask my sister to get it for me. I never ate food prepared by her, never wore clothes washed by her. That was my way of releasing my vexation on Laxmi.

One day Laxmi gathered her wits and asked me ‘I know you don’t like me, but please let me stay here because if I return to my father’s house, my father will die due to neighbours talks about me.’  I remembered my father when she uttered the word ‘father’. My mother asked me hundreds of times, regarding my issue with her, I never answered but always left the place in silence. This continued for the next seven months. In these seven months, my mother became her mother. The only thing I was doing was going to work, eat, and sleep. I was just one month near my probation period completion and then I would become permanent in my job. This was the only satisfying thing in my life and was bringing a lot of pride in me.

The Climax...

One day there was a power outage in a Ghamoli village and my superior asked me to check the issue. I found there was a problem with the current supply in one of the pole. I climbed up the pole and resolved the issue by replacing the old cut-out, but slipped while getting down and fell from a 25-feet height, unbalanced on my right leg. I heard a cracking sound.

After hospitalization, the x-ray report suggested multiple fractures in my right leg. Doctor asked me to have complete bed rest of 3 months. Even after three months, the doctor found that I still need further 2 months rest, all the fractures are not completely healed. I was working on a temporary basis in BSPHCL, they couldn’t pay me further being at home and I lost the job.

I was the only source of income. It became difficult managing even daily expenses. My pride collapsed like an empty castle. Class-7 pass, Laxmi took up an Aganwadi job in a local small school, with a mere salary of 1200 Rs per month. With her job she also took very good care me, timely food, medicines, helping me walk morning and evening. I remembered when I was having a job I never gave any heed to her, but today though she has a job, but she is not at all ignorant towards me, rather she is taking ultimate care of me. As days passed I started liking her multi-committed attitude of looking after a job, me, household chores,  my mother, and Sharda. Laxmi did all this without uttering a single complaint but with a bright smile. I started finding her eyes very attractive as if a painter could sketch using the charcoal of her eyes,. I found her smile like a blossom of morning sunshine. I found her voice like someone playing soothing Veena. Slowly the perpetual tasveer of Lisa Ray nailed at the back of my mind replaced with my real-life Lisa Ray, my Afreen!!

Today, my plaster would be removed. I wanted to say all that I was feeling about Laxmi nowadays. ‘Laxmi.....Laxmi’, I called her two times, but I didn’t get a reply. So I somehow managed myself and went inside the house to see her. I couldn’t find her. I went to the kitchen, I couldn’t find her. I walked down the jitty using my clutches, naah, not there too. Tired, I asked my mother about her whereabouts. She didn’t answer, but her facial reaction was showing some hints. I asked my mother again ‘Where is Laxmi?’ She said she went back to her father's house. Now please don’t go to get her back. ‘What?’ ‘But why?’

Son, every woman expects that her husband should love her ‘unconditionally’. You never liked her. But when you lost your job, when she took the responsibility of the house, when she gave her salary to you, when she took more efforts on you, when she took care of everyone in the house, then you started realizing your love for her. This is not true love but conditional. Marriage is not a give and take relationship. Marriage should not be conditional, marriages are for a purpose, a purpose to be together and flourish.....

Wednesday, June 3, 2020

Part-2: Want Quick Divorce? Come in...: [Kahani Ghar-Ghar ki]

Click for Part-1

Fault list ready.....

My client Chitra Singh came next day to my office at 5:00 PM. She removed a rolled-page from her leather bag. ‘This is it’, she said to me. I was not amazed at all to see, 21 negative points she drafted against her husband Arun. I smiled for myself, as asked only 10, 11 extra were added, 101%  value addition. I didn’t read any of those and kept it inside my drawer. I asked her ‘You got 2000 Rs, my initial fees for handling your case?’ Baffled she looked at me said ‘Yes, but aleast have a look at the list?’. ‘Yes, Sure I will.’ She gave me money and said now what?

‘I will send notice to your husband intimating him about the divorce-case that we are filing. ‘ I said.  ‘Ok, and.....?’ she said. ‘Tomorrow can you come at same time and give me another two list?   One list having 10 bad points in you, as a wife and another list showing 5 good things in your husband.’ I said to her. She gave me a irritated look with all three synonym bemused, confused and bewildered together and said, what is this? I said, same thing, this helps in strengthening the case.

Next day, my client arrived at dot 5:00 PM, this is what I like about highly educated people their every move is time-bound. Today she didn’t say anything, directly knocked the door, came-in, sat and gave the two lists I asked for.  First list 10 bad points about her, I opened and saw, seriously.... she mentioned only 8 negative points about herself:
  1. Not a good cook[Chapatis still shape like Afghanistan and Nepal]
  2. Short-tempered
  3. Mood swinger
  4. Can’t adjust any other relatives than mine.
  5. Workaholic, Excessive usage of phone[for office work]
  6. Cant dedicate time for family
  7. Not a good listener[to husband]
  8. Always feel, husband have another affair

And second list containing contained good points in her husband[asked 5 gave 8]:
  1.  Good looking, dashing personality[with a smile emoticon]
  2. Generous and Risk Taker
  3. Forgiver
  4. Loving and Caring
  5. Ready to die for me
  6. Good listener[to me]
  7. Cares for my parents
  8. Not workaholic.

I took the list and kept it in the drawer without reacting on it. Mrs. Chitra, surely wanted to catch my neck swirl it here and there, in order to know the outcome of this stupid points-based exercise. Also she must be getting thoughts whether she chose wrong advocate for such a sensitive matter. Before she could speak further, I told her, ‘Ok, then I will draft the case and send notice to your husband. Then let’s wait for the response from him. Our next step depends on his next step. Don't worry!!’ And she went home.

After  10 days, my office door again knocked. A man in his 30’s with angry face, came inside. ‘Advocate Upmanyu? I am Arun Singh.’ he said. ‘I remembered, yes, Mr. Arun, please have a seat’ I said. ‘I have not come here to sit, I got legal divorce-notice from your office. Can you please explain me bit more on this’ he said. His voice tempo was going higher with every sentence now. I said, ’Yes I am an lawyer and I am just doing my job in serving my client, your wife Mrs. Chitra Singh.’  ‘What kind of person you are, is this a right business of breaking someone’s house. I think you must be one , who for your personal monitory profit, dumped my wife’s brain with such unethical feeds,.....he went on saying whatever he had come with for next 3-5 minutes.

Once he was done, he took a pause. I asked him, ‘Mr. Arun, even you want divorce right? Your marriage is not going through a good patch. You both hate each other’s face, avoid eye-contacts. You spend your time in liquor-bars then at home. You raise hand on your wife. You don’t miss any opportunity finding issues in your wife etc etc... ‘. ‘ Well this does not mean I want divorce from her’ he said. I asked him ‘Then what do you want from her? and what is root cause of your this behavior with her. My client cannot sustain this any further and wants to come out of this mortal scenario.’ Now, Mr. Arun started looking down at my blue-colored paper-weight kept on my table. ‘Tell me Mr. Arun, am I doing anything wrong in saving my clients life? She has risk of her life with you, tomorrow you can even kill her under the influence of alcohol, as per her statement given to me. Please seek a right legal advice in case you want or just attend the court on required dates, sign the divorce papers and spare my client’s life. ’ I said. ‘I love her, I want to stay with her’ he said and went quite for a minute. And said ‘ Save my marriage, I love Sonu.’

I was getting to know now, what was going in his mind. And he started speaking further[I am only legal advisor in whole world, who is fighting legal case for both the client and the opponent].
We both were happy, our career, work was going well. There was spark in Sonu[Chitra], she got promotions very quickly, her salary increased like anything, well I was struggling for single appreciation from management. Even I was happy with her growth. With promotions her responsibilities also increased in office,  she started spending more time in office and after office at home on office calls. I felt deprived of her love, emotions. I started feeling more lonely with everyday. Every-time I came home from office, either she was still in office or if at home she would be in calls. I felt she had no space for me.
This increased frustration pushed me towards rejection and loneliness. I took help of alcohol. With this disputes increased and quarrels in each thoughts, between us emerged like a volcano. And we are this stage today.

‘Ok, can you draft me 10 bad point in you as husband and 5 good points in your wife now?’  I said and he started writing those down and gave me the list in no time.

10 bad points as a husband:
  1. Raised hand on my Sonu.
  2. Started seeking help of alcohol to resolve loneliness.
  3. Felt bit jealous of her career growth.
  4. Unable to understand her official commitment and problem.
  5. Stopped dropping and picking her up from office.
  6. Didn't  listen to her suggestions.
  7. Quarrel with her on food made.
  8. Finding issues in whatever she did
  9. Jealous about her bank-balance.
  10. Didn't buy anything for her in past 2 years.

5 good points in her:
  1. Loving, caring
  2. Fought with parents and left her house just for me.
  3. Can’t stay without her
  4. Will be my side in worst situation.
  5. Her presence makes me feel strong and happy.

I took both the list and kept in my drawer in envelops. And asked Mr. Arun to come tomorrow by 5:30 PM in the evening. Mr. Arun opened the door for going and I asked him, ‘Hey Arun, one last question, Do you think your wife has any affair going on?’. He replied, ‘Of-course not, we are made for each other.’ And he left.

I immediately called Mrs. Chitra and asked her to come to office the next day by sharp 5:00 PM.
As expected she came and asked ‘Any further update?’ .I said ‘Yes’, I took her to another cabin and said ‘Have a seat first.’ I gave her the envelop containing good point about her which Arun wrote and said, read this, this is what he think about you. There was an evangelist affirmative smile on her face, reading just those 5 points. In another one minute before she could say anything ,I handed over the second envelop containing 10 bad points in her husband. She became blank after reading it. I left the cabin and said, I will come in a moment.

Mr. Arun arrived at 5:30 PM, without any formality, I told him, why do you want stay with a short-tempered,  mood-swinger, who cant even adjust with your parents. ‘What are you saying, Mr Upmanyu ’. I am not saying this, this  is what your wife is saying and I handed him the bad-points list about his wife, which she had written. He read and said, no its completely not right. She took good care of my parents, though she didn’t know cooking but she did everything for me.

I took a pause and gave him second list containing good points about him. Reading it, he rectified his seating posture in a more positive way. ‘Hey, she still loves me, cares for me’ he said, touched his forehead  with his right hand and a surge of happiness could be easily seen on his face.
I asked him to sit for a while and went to another cabin where his wife was seating. I told her ‘You are taking a right decision of divorcing your jealous husband. If you don’t mind can you come out we will proceed with case’ I said. Listening this she crushed the paper containing negative points about her husband and still remained seated. ‘Mrs Chitra....? What happened? ‘He is not that bad.’ She said and kept quite.

I called her out and she was amazed to see her husband there. They both looked down and again looked at each other with anger.  A moment ago, when I said against your spouse you could not listen, and when you are in front of each you are not expressing what you have for each other, instead you are looking down. We are humans, we all have positive and negative points, no one is perfect. One who is perfect, is not human. I saw love in both of you, it is there, it just that you are not expressing it to each other. You have also confessed about your shortcomings in your own handwriting.  Life is short, who knows there is no tomorrow, and your feeling for each other will remain with you only, unexpressed. What is the use of that love and respect. Express love and it will grow. Express love and it will create charm and wonder in your life. Ego just breaks happy marriages.

I guess they understood what I wanted to say, Mrs. Chitra gave me my 10,000 Rs, as my legal advice fees, and they both went away. Well I don't say NO to my fees. Fee's earned in just a span of 10 days, for not breaking a marriage and most importantly somebody was leaving my office with happy faces. This is case number 129 of my last 10 years career. Yes, I am only advocate in whole world who charge people for not breaking their marriages and I have been very successful in my passion of resolving conflicts and saving marriages. Because Marriages are made in Heaven!!

Thanks for reading!!   Click for Part-1

Click below links for releases till now:

Did she really loved me....? Part-1

Did she really loved me....? Part-2

Did she really loved me....? Part-3

Did she really loved me....? Part-4

Did she really loved me....? Part-5

Did she really loved me....? Part-6

Did she really loved me....? Part-7

Did she really loved me....? Part-8

Did she really loved me....? Part-9

Did she really loved me....? Part-10

Did she really loved me....? Part-11

Did she really loved me....? Part-12

Did she really loved me....? Part-13

Did she really loved me....? Part-14

Did she really loved me....? Part-15[The End]

Want to own your own start-up? Want to be Richie Rich?

Hey Corona, you should go now!!

Part-1: Want to quickly become an Selenium Automation Engineer and build framework right from scratch?

Part-2:Want to quickly become an Selenium Automation Engineer and build framework right from scratch?

Part-1: Want Quick Divorce? Come in...: [Kahani Ghar-Ghar ki]

Part-2: Want Quick Divorce? Come in...[Kahani Ghar Ghar ki]

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  Generate any tables with excel... 1.        Go to excel sheet, in first cell ‘A1’ enter the number whose table you want to generate, for...