Wednesday, April 29, 2020

Hey Corona, you should go now!!

Hey Corona, you should go now!!

We didn't take nature seriously,
Considering it our growth,built buildings cutting forest ferociously,
With every construction, we made nature, animals homeless,
We understood now, that our every such act was shameless.
Animals searching on roads, lost homes address on thy brow,
Hey Corona, you should go now!!

We built factories, to boost our economy,
pumped its waste in rivers,lakes, ocean which were eponymy,
You cleaned this water within fraction of days,
where we  spend years and millions cleaning this ablaze.
These factories,industries, do provide us bread-n-butter,
we assure we will take measures to stop this clutter.
Give us a chance to rectify and clean our own brough,
Hey Corona, you should go now!!

We are looking at every-human around us with infection-suspicion,
Staying home and wearing mask, seems to be some solution,
our feeling of unity, is coming to an contradiction.
We didn't care about our neighbors,
in this unprecedented time, helping me with groceries,they are life-savers.
We are locked in house, from many days,
understood value of house-hold work, is it the right way to teach us in anyways.
Truly understood the real value of family-work balance somehow,
Hey Corona, you should go now!!

Our soldiers are fighting with enemies at the border,
Doctors, Police , Nurses, Cleaning staff are working day-night without any bother.
They are risking their family for safety of our life,
'Nation First' they say and fearlessly they dive.
We salute them from bottom of our heart,
And will always remember them on top of every bravery chart .
We lost many of our brave fighters, citizens in this row,
We request you to please, stop this show, stop this show.
Hey Corona, you should go now!!

People are stuck, stranded here and there,
and praying for their loved-ones safety in this unpredicted atmosphere.
Poor are facing challenges of shed,food and water,
feeding children they have, and themselves sleeping with empty stomach chatter.
Economies are crippling, people loosing jobs,
We have learned enough from the throbs,
We promise we will rectify all the wrong-deed lobs.
Hey Corona, you should go now!!
Hey Corona, you should go now!!

Click below links for Love-Story releases till now:

Did she really loved me....? Part-1

Did she really loved me....? Part-2

Did she really loved me....? Part-3

Did she really loved me....? Part-4

Did she really loved me....? Part-5

Did she really loved me....? Part-6

Did she really loved me....? Part-7

Did she really loved me....? Part-8

Did she really loved me....? Part-9

Did she really loved me....? Part-10

Did she really loved me....? Part-11

Did she really loved me....? Part-12

Did she really loved me....? Part-13

Did she really loved me....? Part-14

Did she really loved me....? Part-15[The End]

Want to own your own start-up? Want to be Richie Rich?

Monday, April 27, 2020

Did she really loved me....? Part-13

Last year of Engineering and hot interview

     Another two years passed in this marks chase. But there has never been a single day, when I didn't remember Alma. She was the only feed, boost to my Engineering ride and my path to UK. I was in my last semester, the eighth semester of my engineering study tenure. As everyday passing I was feeling as I am a step closer to her. Don't know whether she also feels the same pull that I feel about her in these years. Well, she calls atleast in a month or two, which means she still remembers me, I consoled myself.

   My aggregate score till now was not that fantastic but it was quite okay and very very near to 60%. Many talented classmates of mine got campus recruitment in top-notch IT companies. I was still way behind. My last semester exams were also over, but no company hired me yet. Few days later I got call from my college recruitment cell, that there will be one last recruitment drive in college the next day.  It was ConnectIT Technologies, having their base in Bangalore and Singapore. I was bit dicey whether I should attend the drive or not because as per my research the company didn’t had any of its clients in UK, where I wanted to go. To have something than nothing is always better, I attended. Since very less students were remaining and also the number of students fitting in their criteria was also less, I got selected after few rounds of grilling technical interview.

    The final round was the HR round. The HR was a young, dynamic and very sexy female with white crisp-cotton half shirt and...well I could see this much only, as there was table between us. Her nails carried so many layers of nail-paint, that I could easily see my image on her nails. Somehow I concentrated back on the interview. I was nervous as it was my last round of interview, probably just to relax me, the very first question she asked me was 'Is it too hot?' I don’t know whether she was referring about her looks or the atmosphere, I gave single ‘Yes’ answer to both my derived question and her targeted question.

    Her next question was 'Where do you want to see yourself in next 3-5 years?' I said 'In U.K'. She was impressed, probably she taught, though I have read about the company profile, and the company doesn't have any client in UK, but she liked my  positive attitude of working somewhere, where we don't even have a branch. How can I explain her, my intention of joining engineering was to work in UK, whether you have a branch there or not.

   Her final question was, 'If the glass has 50% water in it', what will you call it as, 'Half-filled?' or 'Half-empty?' I said, it depends on how thirsty I am at that time. She was damn-impressed with this answer, she just stood up and shaked hand with me and said...'Hired'. Well, I was truly thirsty, and I gave my answer, and she thought... Black pant, yes she was wearing black-pant, saw that when she got up to shook hand with me. I got recruited in ConnectIT Technologies for Bangalore location.

    In the evening I met biggie, we both congratulated each other for getting job on same day. Biggie completed his Civil Engineering, which he was very passionate about. He was continuously laughing, describing his interview process. He said, he was unlucky two times, I asked how? He said, first his interviewer was not beautiful lady, but an bald old-man and he laughed again. And secondly he was an Australian. He said, barely he could understand, what he was asking due to his accent and he was talking too fast. My answers were based on few caught words from his whole sentence. He asked what if I ask you, 'What is your expertise?', I said 'Drainage System'. Then he digged bit of me, to know what all I know in it. I wanted this interview to get over as early as possible, as it was becoming more and more difficult to understand him. He said, as salary we will provide 9.5. I said can you make it round figure[Indian bargaining system, it worked for me though]? He said 'Okay, 10'. I was happy to hear a salary of 10,000 rupees/month. He asked me to wait at the reception.

    I waited at the reception and the HR  came with offer letter and asked me to sign. After reading the offer letter I found some major mistakes with my emotions, my salary figures, which I just bargained, it showed in some lakhs. I like an obedient gentleman conveyed the same to HR. The HR said it is right only, our company have urgent requirement in Australia with Drainage System background, you know how difficult it is to find people in that domain. And the salary it is showing is after converting it into Indian Rupee, so it's proper, in lakhs. Biggie said, he just collapsed on sofa hearing this. 'Expected thousand, got Lakhs.' We both laughed at each others interview.

     But while taking his leave, he looked at me tapped on my shoulders and said, 'You will find her. Don't loose hope!! You have come too far. Probably you are just at the tip. Keep chasing, keep chiseling.'

Continued in next release, click below links for all releases till now:

Did she really loved me....? Part-1

Did she really loved me....? Part-2

Did she really loved me....? Part-3

Did she really loved me....? Part-4

Did she really loved me....? Part-5

Did she really loved me....? Part-6

Did she really loved me....? Part-7

Did she really loved me....? Part-8

Did she really loved me....? Part-9

Did she really loved me....? Part-10

Did she really loved me....? Part-11

Did she really loved me....? Part-12

Did she really loved me....? Part-13

Did she really loved me....? Part-14

Did she really loved me....? Part-15[The End]

Hey Corona, you should go now!!

Want to own your own start-up? Want to be Richie Rich?

Part-1: Want to quickly become an Selenium Automation Engineer and build framework right from scratch?

Part-2:Want to quickly become an Selenium Automation Engineer and build framework right from scratch?

Part-1: Want Quick Divorce? Come in...: [Kahani Ghar-Ghar ki]

Sunday, April 26, 2020

Did she really loved me....? Part-12

Engineering First Year and charged current

   I scored 86.67% in PCM, good enough to get admission in an engineering college and I manged to get admission too. I studied very seriously, I wanted to reach my ultimate goal my ultimate destination. I attended lectures regularly. Like others even I shivered for a subject called as Mechanics. Easy to understand, difficult, sorry 'VERY DIFFICULT' to solve those insalubrious questions. One such question was, speed of fly is 10 km/hour and train speed is 180 km/hour, so when the fly enters the running train, why it doesn't get dashed against the train-door or inner compartment of train? Who writes, these questions man, playing with the emotions of students.

  Call, frequency reduced as day passed. My first semester exams were over, and results were out in a span of one month. Ohh holy, my heart sinked looking at my scores. I was just near the boundary line of passing marks in each subject, and just scored 08 marks out of 100 in Engineering Mechanics, which means I flunked in it. I don’t know where I felt short or where my efforts were less. I banged my head against the college foyer wall, and sat silently. It was not my failing or my low scoring disturbed me , but the deviation graph showed lot of variation from my aggregate 60% marks. Of course I called my chintanhar Chintu, on his college care-off number, as expected he asked me to meet in evening. But I was so desperate to meet him that day, I went to his college directly from my college. I addressed my concern to him.

   I never flunked in any exam till now, how can I fail so drastically. The engineering ghost thawed. Chintu laughed again and again and...again!! I cant say, I just felt like Yamraj laughing mercilessly, in-front of an  about to die person. Chintu said, 'Welcome to Engineering!!' It is not that easy to pass engineering exams, here your stereotype studying methods wont work, here proper time and study management works. 'But I studied everything I said, but meager material came from what I studied' , I said. He asked me to wait for a while and called a senior student from his college to explain me on so called 'How to study for engineering?'.

   Good luck or bad luck, Alma called me that very same day. Though it was difficult to hide the score bruises I got that day, but the melody in her voice soothed my failure pain a bit. Well I didn’t inform Alma, that I took admission in computer engineering, wanted to surprise her, when I will be there in UK after my course. Yes, long-journey, sown a seed, waiting for fruit, long-term planning. I asked her, has she got admission in college? She replied 'Yes',  I asked her 'When she will return?' she said not so soon.  Well that's what I wanted, let me come to you and surprise you girl, my heart said.

   Now I had a major over-head, total 6 subjects to study, five of second semester and one monster-bull, Mechanics backlog and also bringing the 60% average marks graph-worm back on track. I started studying not according to me but to what the senior suggested me of.  For Mechanics my exam center was in different college. I was prepared and was confident. Though this confidence dilutes every-time after seeing the Mechanics results.

    The exam center was an under construction building, there were many naked wires hanging here and there. Still there was bit of time for exam-rooms to open. I was standing with my back touching one of the walls, and accidentally my head touched a non-insulated live electrical wire. My head jerked and my body vibrated for a while, as if I had Parkinson's for those few seconds. Bell rang and someone pushed me while walking, to relieve me from that current. One more demo, its not that easy to pass 'Engineering Mechanics', the grandfather of all Engineering subjects. The job of carrying charge from one place to another is handled by electrons, but that day it was helped by my head also. Though the current was nasty, but while writing paper, I realized as if some invisible power sent that magical current in my head and charged my brain with 'Super Mechanics'. Exam was sheer-fabulous, wrote one optional questions answer as well.

     The miracles were not too far, just after two months the results were out, Bravo!! I cleared all the subjects in next semester, well the percentage were not too great, but was happy with those 56% in second semester and clearing the big ghost ‘Mechanics’.  The first year aggregate was 54%,  far away from 60%.  Now I have to score 63% in every year now to compensate.

Continued in next release, click below links for all releases till now:

Did she really loved me....? Part-1

Did she really loved me....? Part-2

Did she really loved me....? Part-3

Did she really loved me....? Part-4

Did she really loved me....? Part-5

Did she really loved me....? Part-6

Did she really loved me....? Part-7

Did she really loved me....? Part-8

Did she really loved me....? Part-9

Did she really loved me....? Part-10

Did she really loved me....? Part-11

Did she really loved me....? Part-12

Did she really loved me....? Part-13

Did she really loved me....? Part-14

Did she really loved me....? Part-15[The End]

Hey Corona, you should go now!!

Want to own your own start-up? Want to be Richie Rich?

Part-1: Want to quickly become an Selenium Automation Engineer and build framework right from scratch?

Part-2:Want to quickly become an Selenium Automation Engineer and build framework right from scratch?

Part-1: Want Quick Divorce? Come in...: [Kahani Ghar-Ghar ki]

Did she really loved me....? Part-11

Agony and friends suggestion

   12 May 1997, 10:00 PM Alma called me[international calls have longer ringtone, easy to recognize who called), I jumped like a frog to the phone. I couldn't  explain my happiness hearing her voice. I felt short of words while talking to her. She did not reply, when inquired about her calling frequency.  She just said, you also come here, I feel lonely. I don’t know how serious she was. But left me with a  wild thought, forced me to think 'Can I also stay in UK with Alma?'  We didn't speak much but I kept the phone with this thought process.  Though my eyes were closed and brain awake, only one thing came recursively, 'Is it impossible?'. In past seven generation no one has gone out of country, sorry no one one has every crossed Maharashtra State borders till now. I knew that as UP and MP are neighboring states in India, so similarly US and UK must be, due to rhyming words. This is my limited geography, and I am thinking of 'UK....?'. I went into sleep. Alma's beautiful face, always came in front of me, whenever I closed my eyes , as if  someone was clicking on the next button of Microsoft PowerPoint slides of Alma's photos. Can't sleep.

   I always had a habit of writing down my problems on a piece of paper and solving each, one-by-one. The only thing I wrote was my agony, that was going to UK as 'IMPOSSIBLE' and underlined it three times. While underlining it the fourth time, my pen slipped it just underlined 'POSSIBLE'. Got the answer.

  Next morning I called my friend Chintu(don’t go by his name, he is a 6 feet 3 inch heavily built guy, working in Mumbai's reputed Engineering College's 'Campus Recruitment Cell' ), who's storming guiding brain only work efficiently at eve hours. And more stormingly when a perfect combination two bonds, having molecular formula C2H5OH and H2CO3 are added in right proportion. Right from my SSC final exam he used to guide me, but I never gave any heed to him, but now I was digging the well when I was thirsty, really thirsty. As expected, he told me to meet in evening. So I took along his brand of alcohol and soda, to lure him, what all I will do, husshh

    Around 8:00 PM I visited his house. Then I gave the compete prologue of what had happened till now. I asked him, is it possible to visit UK?  'Visit?' , 'You can stay in UK for years'. My twigged ears rose up in 90 degrees, perplexed by his statement. I inquired him with more curiosity. Chintu explained me about the Software Companies that come to his recruitment cell every year, the package they provide etc..etc..etc. I couldn’t find the word 'UK' in whatever he was talking, I interrupted him in between. He said, ' Insane man, whatever projects these companies work on, are majoritily from 'US or UK'. 'So?' , I still couldn’t understand what he was talking about. 'Brother, he caught one of my just rose ear and made it perpendicular to my head and said my dumb friend, listen properly now, if the projects are from UK, and if requirement is there, you have to go to UK, to work on those projects. Staying time span varies project to project, sometime they are long-term projects.'  I started painting  of my presence in UK with Alma though he was yet to complete. Chintu shook me to get me back to my senses.

    I asked him 'Can you try for my job in any of the UK based company which come for recruitment in your college?' 'Ofcourse not', he answered. I looked at him with flummoxed vision. How can my so near friend, cant help me, when I needed his help the most. 'B.E' he said. 'What's BE' I asked him. 'Bachelor of Engineering in Computer or Information technology is required.' This was the biggest full-form I have ever heard of two small letters 'BE'. The campus recruitment criteria suggest one to be BE with average percentage 60 or more and no backlog. I surrendered myself infront of my UK route guru. I said 'What should I do? Now you only tell me.'

    I looked at him with full hope, similar to hope people have on Sachin Tendulkar during an India-Pakistan match. Chintu said, ' You have just given your HSC exams, incase you get good score, blindly take admission into any good engineering college, don’t ever think of medical course.'  I murmured in my brain, 'Yes guru, no medical.' Though I was confident of my score, but now I needed  it for a purpose, the purpose to travel to UK, just to meet ...... Alma. I was wandering how a guy, dying to see a girl in Mumbai local train, was thinking to visit UK just to meet her. I felt the transformation was healthy, and amazed by vertical growth Chintu was showing me. I rose-up and confirmed the saying, 'Behind every successful man there is a woman and my woman is my Alma...Alma..Alma!!.'

   Chintu again interrupted in my pinnacle reached dreams, 'Comeback young man, where do you get lost again and again. Do you want to listen to me, or shall I stop?' I realized one thing 'When going gets tough, then peg gets going for him ' and again offered one more small peg of 'C2H5OH and H2CO3 '. 'No please continue guruji’, I said. 'The free-career guidance and shipment to UK was very important to me.' ‘Score 60% in every semester, get selected through campus recruitment. If the company project needs you to be in UK, you will be deputed to UK and to your Alma for sure'. I was feeding this repeatedly to my brain and thanked him for showing a ray of light and left with a smile and multifold questions.

   Alma didn’t call me from past 16 days. I tried gaining more and more information through people and limited  internet access during those days.

   02 June 1997 my HSC board results day. I prayed to every God on my way to college, to collect result. I prayed to pass with good score, just to get admission in an engineering college. Truly speaking I wanted to study Geology further, but its engineering now.

Continued in next release, click below links for all releases till now:

Did she really loved me....? Part-1

Did she really loved me....? Part-2

Did she really loved me....? Part-3

Did she really loved me....? Part-4

Did she really loved me....? Part-5

Did she really loved me....? Part-6

Did she really loved me....? Part-7

Did she really loved me....? Part-8

Did she really loved me....? Part-9

Did she really loved me....? Part-10

Did she really loved me....? Part-11

Did she really loved me....? Part-12

Did she really loved me....? Part-13

Did she really loved me....? Part-14

Did she really loved me....? Part-15[The End]

Hey Corona, you should go now!!

Want to own your own start-up? Want to be Richie Rich?

Part-1: Want to quickly become an Selenium Automation Engineer and build framework right from scratch?

Part-2:Want to quickly become an Selenium Automation Engineer and build framework right from scratch?

Part-1: Want Quick Divorce? Come in...: [Kahani Ghar-Ghar ki]

Saturday, April 25, 2020

Did she really loved me....? Part-10


     We both were looking at a boat far away from the shore, but we could easily see  the tri-colour flag deep in the ocean, mounted to the ship. I felt the flag reflected our emotions, both of us wanted to say something, but were finding it difficult to express it. Some sea breeze came as if the waves transported it for me; she looked at me at the same time, her hair-fringes engulfed some part of her face. Some of her hair got caught between her lips, I wanted to lock this flabbergasted moment, gosh, a perfect moment of pause. I could see her eyes glinted a firelight and were playing hide-n seek through those engulfed hair. I felt as if the world should take a pause for sometime so that my penchant could personally uncover her hair back to their position with my hand, which covered her face. Alma could easily sense the black magic created on me by the curly black weavers.  I am sure the mercury in any thermometer would have been hovering around minus values.

    Alma continued, ‘I never felt Raj carried a malevolent feeling for me. Truly speaking, I started liking Raj for his truthfulness, helpfulness and genuine behavior. I don’t know whether it was love, but yes I liked him. I missed him a lot when he left India.’ For me it was apathy, but I felt she was bold enough to speak the unpalatable truth. It was difficult for me to listen further and need of the hour was to know the correct difference between ‘Love and Like’.

    We both again became silent. I wanted to leave the place, as there was nothing for me in her plate. I was about to say ‘Can we leave?’, but before I could say anything she continued ‘My life again blossomed with happiness when I communicated with you on my project work.’ I was catapulted back from an almost lost battle. I sat more firmly, relaxed with shoulders bit more confident and raised atleast by an inch upward. I slowly looked at her face from my left to her right while she was talking. I felt a spark. She moved her fingers to-and-fro through my fragly-wagly beard and came a bit near to me. In next few seconds the distance between us diminished to zero centimeters while she was talking. It was my first ever kiss, a kiss on my lips, which lasted for almost 30 seconds. My jugular vein got frozen for next minute. The Earth rotates from the west towards east, but no one can feel this rotation, I felt this rotation in those 30 seconds when I closed my eyes.

    It was 6:30 PM. Alma said, lets leave.  The waves became more furious than earlier, rather buzzing like a set alarm-clock. I tried to snooze it by saying to her, 10 more minutes can we wait. She said ‘ok’, These 10 minutes got over so fast, before I could start any topic, Alma said, “Mom would bother if she doesn’t find me at home.” We left.

   Returning back home, I was very happy. I was still feeling the tenderness of her lips.

   Next day, I asked her to meet, at a very known place to all mumbaikars....Mumbai’s favorite meeting point, after local train platform. Here, you will find many unknown faces searching for unknown person[just knowing by name and voice], the famous area outside McDonalds Restaurant at Andheri West. At that location even I was feeling lost, so I adjusted and stood just away from that so called ‘searching crowd’. A bus passed just in front of me, it threw all the possible dust and dirt the road had on me, I closed my eyes and gave swift curve to my head towards my right side, and my mad brain played a song for me, ‘roop suhana lagta hai, chand poorana lagta hai, tere aage o’ jaanam’, I got my answer, she must be very much near to me.

   The moment the bus left from my sight I saw her, beautifully dressed in tight jeans, tight white T-Shirt properly tucked in, with a jeans shrug, with a perfect multicolor goggle, reflecting her perfect multicolored nature for today. Looking at her I felt as if I took a bite of a nasty-indian-green-chilly. She was looking very spicy. I wanted to take her somewhere else, but she said, she was hungry. Hungry at 12:00 noon?  Alma pushed me inside the restaurant, my pocket was not ready for this, I applied all the possible breaks I could apply to my legs, without letting her know. We moved inside the restaurant, we both were standing at the order-counter, she ordered bunch of things. I was worried about the thick-fat bill that I would have pay for this gigantic order. She said ‘Do you want anything more?’ I said, ‘Have we ordered for today only or tomorrow also?’ She took it as a joke, and gave a smile, but I was really serious. I gave the order, and was waiting for that bill-gong to burn my empty pocket. The person at the billing counter, said, 250 Rs Sir. I coughed, as I heard that amount, it was more than my monthly train-pass. I just had 100 Rs in my pocket, an embarrassing moment for me in front of a lady. I slid my hand inside my back-pocket of my pant to search for my wallet. The moment I looked up, I saw a debit-card first time in my life that too so closely in Alma’s hand. I said ‘Hey let me pay, what are you doing, it doesn’t look good. She said its okay, no problem, next time you pay. I said second time to her, no its completely wrong, I called you, let me pay. She was about to take her hand back, I stopped myself, and said, ‘If you are feeling bad then you can pay now, but next time I will pay, okay?’ She nodded with an affirmative answer . ‘Huushshh’, I breathed a sigh of relief.  Bought our order, she spoke less, while eating, probably giving justice to right thing at right time. I heard somewhere that beautiful girls eat less, she proved it wrong with a demo. We continued meeting for next 10 days at various locations.

    Silver Beach was my favorite because of the fantastic location and we used to wrap the whole discussion in just 5 Rs peanuts or maximum 10 Rs bhel. That day, Alma was looking bit worried. She said, ‘I want to say something to you'. I swiftly opened my closed eyes. I said to her, tell me Alma, what you want to say? I thought the moment has arrived and she will propose me, the bubbly feeling got goose-bumps on me. I allowed her to take charge. 'I don’t know what it is, but I have really started liking you and I don’t want to miss you any more', she said. Don’t want to miss means?, I am here only, we can meet regularly. She took deep breath and looked down, I said 'What happened?' 'Why mixed emotions?', even I like you a lot as a friend.

    'Varun, after dad's death, mom has become very lonely, though they were divorced, but they knew that they both were made for each other. The vacuum created by this incident in mom's heart has made her restless and made her unable to concentrate on her work. Recently Wockind Technologies Ltd. have acquired my moms company and they have retained her position in the company but have asked her to join their UK branch in few days. I couldn’t understand the seriousness of what she was talking, I said ' So its good, what's the issue.'  'Alma’s face showed irritation of my frivolous comment, as if I spoilt the blasphemy of the situation, Varun you are not understanding, even I will have to move to UK if she goes.' My heart shattered and broke like a mirror in seconds.  I don’t know how to solve this puzzle, the puzzle of my just started love-line, my life-line. I felt like an egg, which if breaks from inside, a life starts and if it breaks from outside, a life ends. Mine broke from outside, to forget the cutest girl of my life. God the Savior, what game are you playing? What shall I do now, we both observed complete two minute silence, as if we were mourning for a loss a grief-stricken of hope.

    I don’t know what to say. But just to console her and my current mental status, I said with a materialistic smile on my face 'So for how many days are you going with your mom?'  Alma replied, 'Atleast six years, but not concrete mom said. The company is thinking of fast vertical growth and expansion of company business, to overcome acquisition cost as fast as possible.'  It was difficult to understand the technical terms, what her mother has dumped into her ears. The sweet hangover created by the few-days back kiss, got purblind.

   I said, 'So how and when will we meet? ' she did not reply.  After thinking for a while she said, she will call me on my residence number. This brought a smile on our faces. I said okay, but promise me you will study hard and we will meet once you are back in India. She said 'Sure.' It was difficult to digest life without Alma for couple of years, what if she forgets me. My heart sinked but there was no remedy for it.

   I was continuously looking at her, just to store how much my brain could grasp her as if she was leaving the next day. We got up and left the lovely beach on a not so-happy note. I dropped her at her residence and I headed ahead to my house.

   We continued talking over the phone almost for a month. I didn’t know how the month passed away. Suddenly she did not call me for three days, passing a day without talking to her is very difficult. One evening she called me, she seemed to be in too much hurry. I said 'What happened, any issue?' She replied, 'Varun I was busy helping mummy in packing so could not call you. Mom said we have to leave within two days.'  There was nothing in my hand to stop it.

   She flew away. I did not ask her to which location in UK she was going. In few days Alma called me from UK, due to time difference and huge call tariff rates we spoke in terms of seconds-meter. I felt good after her call. I used to wait for her call. As days passed by, the call frequency became less and less. From once a week to once a month.  'Could be, she must be busy in her academics?’

Continued in next release, click below links for all releases till now:

Did she really loved me....? Part-1

Did she really loved me....? Part-2

Did she really loved me....? Part-3

Did she really loved me....? Part-4

Did she really loved me....? Part-5

Did she really loved me....? Part-6

Did she really loved me....? Part-7

Did she really loved me....? Part-8

Did she really loved me....? Part-9

Did she really loved me....? Part-10

Did she really loved me....? Part-11

Did she really loved me....? Part-12

Did she really loved me....? Part-13

Did she really loved me....? Part-14

Did she really loved me....? Part-15[The End]

Hey Corona, you should go now!!

Want to own your own start-up? Want to be Richie Rich?

Part-1: Want to quickly become an Selenium Automation Engineer and build framework right from scratch?

Part-2:Want to quickly become an Selenium Automation Engineer and build framework right from scratch?

Part-1: Want Quick Divorce? Come in...: [Kahani Ghar-Ghar ki]

How to create any mathematics tables with excel...

  Generate any tables with excel... 1.        Go to excel sheet, in first cell ‘A1’ enter the number whose table you want to generate, for...